- Vespere autem facto cum sol
The Gregorian Repertory
> Vespere autem facto cum sol
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Title text
Vespere autem facto cum sol occidisset,
veniebant ad Iesum omnes male habentes;
at ille singulis manus imponens curabat eos.
Piece data 2
1. Text
Vespere autem facto cum sol ...
Chapter 01
Verse 32
Biblical context
Vespere autem facto cum sol ...
Chapter 04
Verse 40
Biblical context
2. ID No., Mode, Annotation
René-Jean Hesbert, Corpus antiphonalium Officii, nr. 5370
3. Calendar
4. Theol. Commentary
5. Music Analyses
6. Media (Schola/Cantor)
7. Media (div.)
8. Liturg. Books
9. Databases
Data on the Cantus sites
Cantus Index
Cantus Manuscript Database (Univ. of Waterloo)
Antiphonale Synopticum (Univ. of Regensburg)
10. Sources
London, British Museum - Ant. Sarisburiense
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France lat. 17296 - Saint-Denis
11. Polyphonic Works
12. Lit.