- Venient ad te qui detrahebant...et adorabunt
The Gregorian Repertory
> Venient ad te qui detrahebant...et adorabunt
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Title text
Venient ad te qui detrahebant tibi,
et adorabunt vestigia pedum tuorum.
Piece data 2
1. Text
Venient ad te qui ...
Chapter 60
Verse 14
Biblical context
2. ID No., Mode, Annotation
Mode : 8
René-Jean Hesbert, Corpus antiphonalium Officii, nr. 5331
3. Calendar
4. Theol. Commentary
5. Music Analyses
6. Media (Schola/Cantor)
7. Media (div.)
8. Liturg. Books
Antiphonale Monasticum , Moines de Solesmes, 1934 p.0300
9. Databases
Data on the Cantus sites
Cantus Index
Cantus Manuscript Database (Univ. of Waterloo)
Antiphonale Synopticum (Univ. of Regensburg)
10. Sources
Durham, Cathedral Library B. III. 11 f. 144v
11. Polyphonic Works
12. Lit.
Introduction à l'interprétation du chant grégorien , SAULNIER, Daniel & alii., 2001 nr.146
Einführung in der Interpretation des Gregorianischen Chorals Band 1: Grundlagen, AGUSTONI, Luigi, GÖSCHL, Johannes Berchmans, 1987 p.146