- Versus alleluiaticus - Potestas eius potestas
The Gregorian Repertory
Versus alleluiaticus - Potestas eius potestas
> Beati pauperes spiritu
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Versus alleluiaticus
Title text
Potestas eius, potestas aeterna,
quae non auferetur:
et regnum eius, quod non corrumpetur.
His power shall be
and his kingdom will be a kingdom that shall not decay.
Translation: Dr. Kate Helsen, London, Ontario, Kanada
Piece data 2
1. Text
Potestas eius potestas ...
Chapter 07
Verse 14
Biblical context
Morphological analysis
2. ID No., Mode, Annotation
Mode : 1
Cantus recentior
3. Calendar
Calendarium Concilii Vaticani II
Christus rex
4. Theol. Commentary
5. Music Analyses
6. Media (Schola/Cantor)
7. Media (div.)
8. Liturg. Books
Graduale Triplex , Moines de Solesmes, 1979 p.389
Graduale Novum de Dominicis et Festis, GÖSCHL, Johannes Berchmans, et alii, 2011 p.373
9. Databases
10. Sources
11. Polyphonic Works
12. Lit.