- Antiphona - Aquae multae non potuerunt
The Gregorian Repertory
Iam nunc o venerabilis
> Antiphona - Aquae multae non potuerunt
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Title text
Aquae multae non potuerunt exstinguere caritatem.
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1. Text
Aquae multae non potuerunt ...
Song of Songs
Chapter 08
Verse 07
Biblical context
2. ID No., Mode, Annotation
René-Jean Hesbert, Corpus antiphonalium Officii, nr. 1470
3. Calendar
4. Theol. Commentary
5. Music Analyses
6. Media (Schola/Cantor)
7. Media (div.)
8. Liturg. Books
9. Databases
Data on the Cantus sites
Cantus Index
Cantus Manuscript Database (Univ. of Waterloo)
Antiphonale Synopticum (Univ. of Regensburg)
10. Sources
Ivrea, Biblioteca Capitolare 106 - Ant.rom. Ivrea IV 106
Sankt-Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 391
p. 106
Zürich, Zentralbibliothek Rh. 28 - Ant. Rheinau
11. Polyphonic Works
12. Lit.