- O Pastor apostolice
The Gregorian Repertory
> O Pastor apostolice
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Title text
O pastor apostolice Gregori beatissime
tuo posce precamine incrementum ecclesiae tuo rigatae
dogmate ac defensatae opere.
Piece text
Vers. 1
Memor esto congregationis catholicae
et dextera Dei plantatae vineae.
Piece data 2
1. Text
2. ID No., Mode, Annotation
René-Jean Hesbert, Corpus antiphonalium Officii, nr. 7279
3. Calendar
4. Theol. Commentary
5. Music Analyses
6. Media (Schola/Cantor)
7. Media (div.)
8. Liturg. Books
9. Databases
Data on the Cantus sites
Cantus Index
Cantus Manuscript Database (Univ. of Waterloo)
10. Sources
11. Polyphonic Works
12. Lit.
Chant grégorien et musique médiévale , HUGLO, Michel, 2005 p.XVII 29 ;
p.XVIII 105 n.51