- Comedite et bibite amici
The Gregorian Repertory
> Comedite et bibite amici
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Communio tropus
Title text
Comedite et bibite amici
Piece data 2
1. Text
Comedite et bibite
Song of Songs
Chapter 05
Verse 01
Biblical context
2. ID No., Mode, Annotation
Wi 1609 Be 11
cfr. Communio
Pascha nostrum immolatus
- cum alleluia
3. Calendar
4. Theol. Commentary
5. Music Analyses
6. Media (Schola/Cantor)
7. Media (div.)
8. Liturg. Books
9. Databases
10. Sources
11. Polyphonic Works
12. Lit.
Corpus Troporum 3/2 - Tropes du propre de la Messe : Cycle de Pâques, IVERSEN, Gunilla, 1982 p.71